Team Raptors Baking Angels ~ July 2016

Featuring Molina Semple

* See Team Updates Below!

Thank you, Molina and Team Raptors, for the very cool embroidered patch! We will treasure it always!!

A little about Team Raptors....

Our July Team was referred by Angel Gail Persichilli. Thank you, Gail, for sharing Molina with us! Our Angels are looking forward to shipping their Goodie Boxes to her and her Buddies!

Molina is all Air Force and proud of it. She hails from New Jersey and is stationed at the Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson in Alaska. Her role is that of an Aircraft Armament Systems Technician. She is deployed in an undisclosed desert location in southwest Asia.

Molina writes, "We have a few females in the shop, but the majority are males. Our special requests can be anything they would like to send. We would appreciate it so much! Them doing this makes it all worth it!! Thank you for all you guys do!"

Special Requests

* Team Updates!

Many thanks to our 21+ Angels who have contributed to this month's team! You constantly amaze me in your ample support of our Troops! Enjoy a few photos of our Angel Goodie Boxes heading to Team Raptors!