Donation Information

Supporting our numerous Troops each month is an honor and pleasure. However, the costs add up each month to maintain our mission. Shipping costs have increased substantially and your donation can greatly help us to continue our mission.

Sometimes Angels find it difficult to ship goodies on their own and seek an alternative way to support. By donating, Cindy's Baking Angels will ship items to our Troops. I hope you will consider making a donation.

Non-deductible tax donations may be made via PayPal. Be sure to select "Send to Family or Friends" in order to avoid the PayPal fee. Or EMAIL ME if you'd like to send a check or pay by ApplePay.

Donate with PayPal

Every cent you donate goes to the Troops in sending goodies and assisting with shipping costs.

You will also be included in the Team's final report and receive notification of all responses and photos received from our Soldiers.

Thank you again for considering a donation. It goes to a very worthy cause. We appreciate your support!


Cindy Zamirowski