Team Psycho FOX Baking Angels ~ October 2015

Featuring PFC Patrick Porter

A little about Team Psycho FOX..

It's my pleasure to introduce PFC Patrick Porter as our October Baking Angel recipient! Patrick is the son of one of our Angels Gena Becker Porter. Thanks to Gena and her assistance we are proud to be able to support Patrick and his Squad.

Gena shares, "Patrick grew up in Beverly Massachusetts, a block from the ocean.  He grew up with hockey, lacrosse, lobstering and fishing. He would love to be a game warden when he finishes with the USMC.

PFC Porter has been in the USMC for 9 months and in a very short time he has graduated PI and ITB in NC. Patrick was shipped to Hawaii for his PDS and was deployed on a UDP 3 weeks later. Upon arriving at his UDP he spent 4 weeks and then was shipped off to another country.  It has been a whirlwind for him and his mother.

PFC Porter is 0311 infantry and is a 2/3 Island Warrior.  His squad is Psycho FOX.  Many of his battalion will be leaving the USMC soon, so he is in heavy training to step up and fill their shoes."

Our Angels are excited about the opportunity to shower this young Marine and his Squad with some marvelous baked goods and comfort items.

Special Requests

PFC Porter and his squad would love any of the following: