Team Crazyhorse Baking Angels ~ December 2016

Featuring Travis Williams

* See Angel Updates Below!

A little about Team Crazyhorse......

I really enjoy keeping in touch with our Troops and am so pleased and proud to be able to support Travis Williams, formerly with Team Panthers back in 2013, during his latest deployment to Afghanistan! Our Angels are excited about the opportunity to support you, Travis, and all your new Buddies!

Travis writes, "Thank you for checking in with me! It was perfect timing as well, being back in it on the other side of the world! I have moved units and am now located in Savannah, GA with Charlie Troop, 3/17 CAV. We are known as the CRAZYHORSE Troop and this bunch of guys live up to that reputation for sure!

We are currently deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Freedom Sentinel and are responsible for direct support operations and Quick Reaction Force (QRF) operations for the entire eastern Afghanistan.

We are an Apache Attack Helicopter pure Troop and have been conducting combat operations over here for 5 months now, with 4 more to go."

Special Requests

Travis shares, "I have talked to the guys and have gotten a few special requests:

Angels...I think we can fill this office with lots of goodies for Travis and his Buddies! Let Christmas reign down on Team Crazyhorse!

In the words of Travis, "RAGE!" We've got you covered, Travis!


Our Angels sure did a phenomenal job this December and shipped amazing Angel Goodie Boxes to Team Crazy Horse! Thank you, Angels! Enjoy some photos of their Angel TLC!