Team America's Battalion Baking Angels ~ July 2015

Featuring LCpl Travis Worthen

Our Team is now closed. Thank you to all my Angels for your support!

* See Team Updates below!

LCpl Travis Worthen opening up a recent Team Black Sea Baking Angels Goodie Box!

A little about Team America's Battalion ...

Another big thank you goes out to Margarita Madrigal for LCpl Worthen's referral! Our Angels always enjoy supporting our deployed Troops and it's good to see a familiar face.

It turns out that Travis is in the same shop as former Team Black Sea recipient David Billa! We are honored to be able to support our Marines once again.

Travis writes, "I am currently a radio operator for 2/8. I personally enjoy outdoorsy things like hunting and fishing, riding 4-wheelers and dirt bikes, and camping. We have a lot of people in our shop who refuse to go a day without going to the gym, myself included. I am 23 years old and engaged to a wonderful young woman named Bailey.

As far as my role in the Marine Corps, a radio operator, it can go one of two ways. I am with the Headquarters and Service company and our primary mission is maintaining communications with the infantry companies that are in the field, signing the gear they use out to them, and making sure it is in working order when it comes back. The other side of being a radio operator is going out to the field with the companies, which includes signing out gear from H&S and making sure it works to keep communication with them while in the field, as well as ensuring it comes back the same way it left."

"Every ounce of support you continue to give, and show, is appreciated more than you can imagine, so thank YOU for all you do!" says Travis.

I know our Angels can will be shipping some incredible Goodie Boxes to Travis and his Buddies! Thank you, Travis, for giving us the opportunity to give back to you!

Special Requests

* Team Updates!

Many thanks to all our Angels for sharing such wonderful Goodie Boxes with our Team! Here are a few photos of some of the treats Team America's Battalion will be enjoying.