Calendar & Upcoming Angel Teams Info!



Team Copperhead 2nd Platoon Baking Angels ~ Open for Registration! All Angels Welcomed!

Featuring Lance Corporal Olan Lafe Truesdell

A little about Team Copperhead 2nd PLT...

Cindy's Baking Angels is grateful for Danielle Truesdell's assistance in referring her son for our Angel support this month. Our Angels are looking forward to supporting Olan and his Brothers! Thank you again.

Danielle writes, "We are from Southern Ohio. My son, Lance Corporal Olan Truesdell, has talked about becoming a Marine since he was very young. He enlisted the summer before his senior year and participated in the Delayed Enlistment Program throughout his senior year."

For more information about or to join Team Copperhead 2nd PLT, CLICK HERE!


Team Bravo V18 Baking Angels Open for Registration! All Angels Welcomed!

Featuring Cpl David T. Jones


A little about Team Bravo V18...

Many thanks to Stephanie Jones for referring her son, David and his Brothers, for our Angel support this month. Our Angels will take very good care of them!

Stephanie shares, "Corporal David Jones, we call him Dave, was born in Wisconsin. He moved to Mississippi with his dad, mom, brother, and sister when he was 8 years old. "

For more information about or to join Team Bravo V18, CLICK HERE!


Team 1st Battalion 5th Marines Baking Angels ~ Date to be determined.

Featuring LCPL Charles Liska

A little about Team 1st Battalion 5th Marines...

Cindy's Baking Angels would like to thank Tamara for referring her son, Charles, for our Angel support. Our Angels are looking forward to supporting Charles and his Buddies!

Tamara writes, "Charlie always wanted to join the military. It started when he was four years old and visited the Citadel. His grandpa and great uncles were all in the Navy. We weren't sure what direction he was going to go or if he was going to join the military at all. His Junior year in high school was Covid and we told him we needed to start to figure it out. "

For more information about Team 1st Battalion 5th Marines, CLICK HERE!



We are actively seeking two referrals for September! Who do you know that can use our Angel support?

Be sure your Deployed Troop's deployment mail is flowing through at least two months past his/her requested month. (i.e. for a September referral, mail must be flowing through November).

This insures all packages can be delivered.) OPSEC guidelines are strictly ensured.

Our Armed Forces need our support and your referrals are the only way we can continue our mission. Our Angels are counting on your assistance! Thanks to all!

Let's fill our calendar and keep our Mission alive!

Refer your deployed Troops today!


For VA support, please contact Cindy's Baking Angels for more information! Our Angels are here to help!


Two Teams are selected per month for our support! Contact me today for more information!


Now is a great time to get involved and support our Troops. Never has there been a greater need to show our Military just how much we appreciate all that they do for us and the huge sacrifices they make on our behalf.