Team 3rd LAR Apache Co Baking Angels ~ July 2024

Featuring Cpl Aidan Baddar

* Thank you, Angels, for your support! Our Team is now closed for registration.

A little about Team 3rd LAR Apache Company...

Cindy's Baking Angels would like to thank Melissa Baddar for referring her son, Cpl Aidan Baddar, for our Angel support this month. Our Angels are thrilled to be able to support Aidan and his Brothers!

Melissa shares, "Aidan wanted nothing more than to be in the military since he was little. He did four years of ROTC in high school and excelled in the program. He also played football and was offered a scholarship after graduating. He started meeting with recruiters looking at all the options. I asked that he give college a try first, which he did. At the end of his freshman year he came home and said, 'Mom, I did what you asked, now I’m going to be a Marine!'

He left for boot camp in 2020 when he was 20 years old. Thanks to ROTC he enlisted and ranked up right after boot. Due to Covid we did not get family day or graduation. Our family flew to California and was outside the gate cheering them on as they headed to SOI.

He knew infantry was where he wanted to be. He learned quickly not to raise your hand in the Marines. They asked the infantry class who had a drivers license and he raised that hand. It was the start of his career in LAR light armored reconnaissance. He started out as the driver of an LAV and was sent to 29 Palms. He thought he would hate the base but as many do he fell in love with it and it’s home now. He went from driver to gunner and is now vehicle commander. He is currently on his second deployment.

They are extremely excited to be chosen for the July care packages. They humbly ask for anything that is easy for y’all to send. A few requests when I pressed them. They do have access to a microwave. My son thanks you in advance for your support of him and his crew. This momma thanks you for loving on our Marines!"

Our Angels will take very good care of Aidan and his Buddies! Thank you again for your wonderful help!

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